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Motion UI Design Masterclass. Gold
Motion UI Design Masterclass. Fundamentals
Welcome to the masterclass (1:53)
Where to start in Motion Design (3:35)
What is Motion Design (6:04)
What is Motion UI Design...and Triggers (10:28)
Transitions. Which one to choose (9:50)
The main purpose of Motion UI Design (6:47)
Tools for Motion UI Design. Which one is the best? (8:42)
Why Motion Design is so complicated? Now you know that it's not. (2:13)
The first fundamental principle of Motion UI Design (3:49)
The second fundamental principle of Motion UI Design...and how companies like Apple and Google do it? (26:46)
What's next (5:01)
Motion UI Design Masterclass. Practice
Intro to the Practice section (0:41)
The most used attribute in Motion Design (41:53)
How to work with scroll (13:04)
What you should know about Masks in Motion UI Design (14:21)
The least used attribute in Motion UI Design (8:15)
How to reveal these elements? (5:29)
What's the difference between size and scale (20:21)
Why you should know how to animate border radii (4:43)
If you are a UX/UI design you have to animate it (6:38)
Let's make it pop. How and where to animate effects (6:32)
BONUS: How to Animate Isometric Elements (9:27)
Motion UI Design Masterclass. Export & Developers
How to export and share your animations and prototypes (14:32)
How to explain your animations to developers (Specifications)) (10:22)
Congratulations video! (3:55)
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Motion UI Design Masterclass. Principle
Introduction to the Principle module (0:33)
What is Principle and why it's so powerful (15:02)
Principle. 5 main sections of the tool (33:56)
How to prepare a project and import it to Principle (25:49)
How to create an Apple-style landing page with Principle (105:21)
How to create a mobile app prototype (79:09)
How to export your animation (22:33)
How to reveal these elements?
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